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Get to Know Me - Shaili Shouche

Hi! If you're reading this, I can't possibly thank you enough! Because of you, Empowering Economics is able to do exactly what it was made to do, teach girls that business isn't an industry that's "off-limits" or "reserved" for guys, and that they are more than capable of making it in any branch of business they're passionate about. (If you're a dude reading this, that's cool too! I hope that you're able to take what you read from our blog and teach it to a female that's in your life.)

I understand that to you, right now, I'm just a person behind a screen, telling you that anything is possible, practice is perfect, reach for the stars, etc., and it's hard to listen to somebody that you don't know.

So, I want you to get to know me.

My name is Shaili Shouche, and I'm about to be a junior at Glenda Dawson High School in Pearland, Texas. To be completely honest, I was dead set on being an anesthesiologist for almost my entire life before high school, and business wasn't even in the realm of anything I was interested in. But joining my high school's DECA chapter in my freshman year changed it all for me. Instead of daydreaming about my future working in a hospital, I began dreaming of my life in a high-rise corporate building on Wall Street. Rather than studying the relationship between a joint, a ligament, and a tendon, I began studying stocks, market forces, and economics (which I'm significantly better at, I literally could not tell you what a ligament is). I was hooked instantly, and I knew that business was something I wanted to pursue.

There was only one issue: I was basically alone. Everyone I knew was interested in computer science, engineering, or medicine. Eventually, I realized that while I couldn't change what people were passionate about, I could at least open them up to what business has to offer. So, Jiya and I decided to launch Empowering Economics (which is what you're reading now!), a blog meant to teach girls about pursuing a career in business.

We hope you enjoy reading our blogs, share them with people you know, and hopefully take something beneficial away from them!

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